

The Bionanotechnology curriculum is related to basic and applied research programs oriented to the comprehension of fundamental phenomena at the nanoscale and to the application of nanotechnologies to bioengineering, biophysics, applied physics, material sciences and life sciences, and to the development of new technologies and approaches as a challenge for the next twenty years.
Bionanotechnologies have a broad field of appeal, namely: from cells-to-chip and chip-to¬cells technologies to nanobiosensors, from nanodiagnostics to advanced characterization and imaging tools, from intelligent drug delivery to artificial tissues, from functional nano-addressable surfaces to smart materials.
Among others, research developments include elucidating molecular mechanisms behind degenerative (neuro or oncological) misfunctioning of biological systems within the biomedical scenario.

Science and technolgy developments aim

  • to advance the exploitation of nanostructures, fabricated by nanotechnological approaches, as building blocks for engineered self assembly architectures across multiple length scales, from the molecular level up to the macroscopic world and the development of new strategies related to  the utilization of micro and nanomanufacturing to produce Micro Electric Mechanical Systems (MEMS), micro electrodes and scaffolds and innovative plasmonic devices for different applications;
  • to design, realize and utilize advanced methodologies and instrumentations within the framework of optical spectroscopy and microscopy, scanning force microscopy and optical nanoscopy, oriented to the study and characterization of nanostructured, biological and hybrid materials/specimens at the nanoscale;
  • to take advantage of nanotechnology for the development of new materials based on polymers to produce smart multifunctional devices easily processable at scalable-low cost, with a wide range of exciting and outstanding applications.

Dott. Giuseppe Vicidomini

Last update 21 November 2022