
105 posters, 115 BioRob students over the two days, 2 talks held by past PhD students explaining the importance of the PhD in their industrial and academic career, the presence of the Vice-Rector for Doctoral Studies and Relations with Companies Prof. Mario Marchese and of the head of the DIBRIS, Prof. Sergio Martinoia. These are some numbers of the first edition of the BioRob PhD Days which are not sufficient to describe the enthusiastic climate among the students during the 3 poster sessions. A super experiment. We are launched towards the 2024 edition.

The BioRob PhD Days 2023 aim to create a stimulating environment for all the PhD students of the Bioengineering and Robotics doctorate. To introduce the new students to this 3-years travel, the Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering (DIBRIS) offer a full two-day program with plenty of opportunities for getting answers to (almost) all possible questions.

We want to put you on the right path for your PhD !!


Applications for the first 2024 call are now OPEN

Research Themes 2024

Accredited Schools 2024